FROM £300

Is Your Business website on the first page of Google?

Achieving a page 1 listing in Google and other search engines requires your website to be coded in a particular way so the search engines know exactly what your website is all about and then can match it with relevant keyword searches. This coding process is called Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. Without it your website in all likeliness will never appear on the front page of Google.

Depending on how well your competitors websites have been SEO’d will also make it harder or easier to appear on the front page of Google. Successful listings in the search engines can normally be achieved through On page and Off page SEO. However if your company is looking for local search listings as opposed to national, then On page SEO can quite often be enough to get you there.

C Pages Web Design has a fantastic track record in getting it’s clients websites onto the front page of Google for local searches . Visit our Client Portfolio page and click on our clients pages to see how many page 1 rankings we have achieved.

C Pages Web Design has a great record in achieving page 1 google listings for buisnesses in the birmingham area

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